Mapping Amdo:
Dynamics of Power
2nd volume (2019)
Prague: Oriental Institute
350 CZK / 14 EUR
Table of Contents
Ute Wallenböck, Jarmila Ptáčková, and Bianca Horlemann
Dynamics of Power: Some Reflections on the Multiple Manifestations of Power in Amdo -
Chapter 1
Hannibal C. Taubes
The Four Forts of Repkong: A Tu Community between China, Tibet, and Mongolia, 1370–1730 -
Chapter 2
Bianca Horlemann
Muslim Unrest in Amdo: The Rebellion of Ma Zhongying in 1928 and 1929 -
Chapter 3
Hanung Kim
Preliminary Notes on Lamo Dechen Monastery and its Two Main Incarnation Lineages -
Chapter 4
Per Kværne
Hor btsun bstan ’dzin blo gros rgya mtsho (1889–1975): A Little-known Bön Scholar from Amdo -
Chapter 6
Peter F. Faggen
Constructing a Mother’s Authority: Legitimizing the Gungru Female Reincarnate Lineage on the Amdo Grasslands -
Chapter 7
Ute Wallenböck
Gengya Drakkar (rGan gya brag dkar)—Its Significance as a Place of Pilgrimage and as Sacred Natural Site -
Chapter 8
Hugh Battye
Beyond Majority-Minority Relations in the Ethnic Dynamics of the Amdo Region: The “Huification” and “Tibetanization” of the Bonan Speakers of Gansu and Qinghai -
Chapter 9
Jarmila Ptáčková
Distributing Fish or Fishing Hooks? Examples of the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Program in Tibetan Pastoral Areas of Qinghai -
Chapter 10
Adrian Zenz
A Research Note on Recent Developments with TibetanMedium Tertiary Student Intakes and Degree Programs -
Chapter 11
Franz Xaver Erhard
The Representation of Power and Hegemony in Contemporary Fiction from Amdo: Tsering Döndrup’s Novel Fog -
Chapter 12
Hiroyuki Suzuki and Sonam Wangmo
Migration History of Amdo-speaking Pastoralists in Lhagang, Khams Minyag, Based on Narratives and Linguistic Evidence