Amdo Research Network

Mapping Amdo:
Dynamics of Power

2nd vol­ume (2019)

The sec­ond vol­ume of the Map­ping Amdo Series con­tin­ues to aim to chan­nel the research on the mul­ti­eth­nic and mul­ti­cul­tur­al region of Amdo, which, posi­tioned at the cross­roads of the Tibetan, Mon­gol, and Chi­nese cul­tur­al and polic­i­tal spheres of influ­ence, has been, and still is, of major strate­gic impor­tance. Through­out the his­to­ry of Amdo rep­re­sen­ta­tives of both the sec­u­lar and the reli­gious com­mu­ni­ties have engaged in pow­er strug­gles with­in their own com­mu­ni­ties as well as in con­fronta­tion with each oth­er. Apart from mil­i­tary or spir­i­tu­al pow­er, this vol­ume also dis­cuss­es eco­nom­ic, cul­tur­al, and sociopo­lit­i­cal aspects of pow­er as exe­cut­ed by var­i­ous play­ers through­out Amdo history. 


Ute Wal­len­boeck, Bian­ca Hor­le­mann, and Jarmi­la Ptáčková 


Prague: Ori­en­tal Institute




350 CZK / 14 EUR

Table of Contents

  • Intro­duc­tion

    Ute Wal­len­böck, Jarmi­la Ptáčková, and Bian­ca Horlemann
    Dynam­ics of Pow­er: Some Reflec­tions on the Mul­ti­ple Man­i­fes­ta­tions of Pow­er in Amdo

  • Chap­ter 1

    Han­ni­bal C. Taubes
    The Four Forts of Rep­kong: A Tu Com­mu­ni­ty between Chi­na, Tibet, and Mon­go­lia, 13701730

  • Chap­ter 2

    Bian­ca Horlemann
    Mus­lim Unrest in Amdo: The Rebel­lion of Ma Zhongy­ing in 1928 and 1929

  • Chap­ter 3

    Hanung Kim
    Pre­lim­i­nary Notes on Lamo Dechen Monastery and its Two Main Incar­na­tion Lineages

  • Chap­ter 4

    Per Kværne
    Hor btsun bstan dzin blo gros rgya mtsho (18891975): A Lit­tle-known Bön Schol­ar from Amdo

  • Chap­ter 6

    Peter F. Faggen
    Con­struct­ing a Mother’s Author­i­ty: Legit­imiz­ing the Gun­gru Female Rein­car­nate Lin­eage on the Amdo Grasslands 

  • Chap­ter 7

    Ute Wal­len­böck
    Gengya Drakkar (rGan gya brag dkar)—Its Sig­nif­i­cance as a Place of Pil­grim­age and as Sacred Nat­ur­al Site

  • Chap­ter 8

    Hugh Bat­tye
    Beyond Major­i­ty-Minor­i­ty Rela­tions in the Eth­nic Dynam­ics of the Amdo Region: The Huifi­ca­tion” and Tibetaniza­tion” of the Bonan Speak­ers of Gan­su and Qinghai

  • Chap­ter 9

    Jarmi­la Ptáčková
    Dis­trib­ut­ing Fish or Fish­ing Hooks? Exam­ples of the Tar­get­ed Pover­ty Alle­vi­a­tion Pro­gram in Tibetan Pas­toral Areas of Qinghai

  • Chap­ter 10

    Adri­an Zenz
    A Research Note on Recent Devel­op­ments with Tibetan­Medi­um Ter­tiary Stu­dent Intakes and Degree Programs

  • Chap­ter 11

    Franz Xaver Erhard
    The Rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Pow­er and Hege­mo­ny in Con­tem­po­rary Fic­tion from Amdo: Tser­ing Döndrup’s Nov­el Fog

  • Chap­ter 12

    Hiroyu­ki Suzu­ki and Son­am Wangmo
    Migra­tion His­to­ry of Amdo-speak­ing Pas­toral­ists in Lha­gang, Khams Minyag, Based on Nar­ra­tives and Lin­guis­tic Evidence

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