Amdo Research Network
Yet information about individual or group projects and networking between researchers has remained underdeveloped. Thus, in 2013 the Amdo Research Network was funded at the Humboldt University of Berlin, within the Tibetan Studies program of the Central-Asian Seminar, which has a strong focus on the Amdo area in terms of formal language training, teaching and affiliated researchers.
The geographical definition of Amdo is currently complicated by the use of the Chinese administrative divisions, which do not follow old regional or political sentiments. Today, Amdo is concentrated in Qinghai Province, but also includes parts of Gansu and Sichuan Provinces. At the same time, part of Qinghai, i.e., Yushu, judging by its linguistic and cultural affinity, is located in Kham. In yet other areas, e.g. Golok, the population does not identify with any of the three above mentioned regions. For the purposes of the Amdo Research Network (ARN), we have decided to also include these ambivalent cases, without forcing any conclusive identifcation on them. We have also included Yushu, which, through its current position in Qinghai, shares with the rest of Amdo not only the same provincial borders, but also its daily fate.
“Amdo” is a Tibetan word and its use provides us with an entry point into a region which is largely informed by Tibetan Studies. However, the choice of this name should not suggest that we define the region as a purely Tibetan space. The limitations of the Amdo Research Network are rather geographic than ethnic and, it should also include research into other population groups, e.g. the Mongols, Huis, Salars, Hans or Monguors, as well as their interaction with the Tibetans and their influence on each other. Consequently, the ARN’s research focus is geographical rather than ethnic in nature (see Sulek and Ptackova, Mapping Amdo: People and Places in an Ongoing Transition, in Mapping Amdo: Dynamics of Change, 2017).
What is Amdo?