Andrew Grant (2024) “Closing the Sub-Frontier: Corridorising Tibet and the Social Life of Pervasive Security.” Territory, Politics, Governance, November, 1–20. doi:10.1080/21622671.2024.2422893.
Donald S. Sutton (2024) “Territorialization and ethnic control in China’s borderlands: Aba prefecture in the People’s Republic, 1950–2020,” Eurasian Geography and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2024.2343659
Andrew M. Fischer. “The changing ethnic demography of Amdo Tibet. Insights from the 2020 Population Census of China”, Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines [En ligne], 55 | 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/emscat/6283
Jarmila Ptáčková. “Lost on the path towards modernity. Urbanisation and livelihood prospects of the transitional generation in Tibetan rural areas in Qinghai, People’s Republic of China”, Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines [En ligne], 55 | 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/emscat/6340
Palden Gyal. “The Meu Kingdom. Unravelling the history of a Tibetan polity in the Sino-Tibetan borderlands, 1700–1930″, Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines [En ligne], 55 | 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/emscat/6543
Tsehua Gyal, “Unsettled landscapes. The (un)making and remaking of a Tibetan farming community in northwestern China”, Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines [En ligne], 55 | 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/emscat/6387
Eveline Washul. 2024. “Centering the Histories of Tibetan Place Names.” In “Centering the Richness of Tibetan Language in Tibetan Studies” special issue of Yeshe: A Journal of Tibetan Literature, Arts and Humanities.
Benno Weiner. “This is Absolutely Not a Hui Rebellion!’ The Ethnopolitics of Great Nationality Chauvinism in Early-Maoist China,” Twentieth-Century China, 48.3 (2023), 208–229.
Ute Wallenböck und Veronika Zikmundová, Christian Missionaries’ Ethnographic Accounts of Diets and Foodways in the Area of Kokonor during the late 19th Century and Early Republican Time Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 31/2, 2023, pp. 259–279.
Katia Buffetrille & Tsering Woeser. Amnyé Machen, Amnyé Machen. Traduit par Brigitte Duzan et Valentina Peluso. Édité et annoté par Katia Buffetrille, 2023.
Katia Buffetrille. Amnye Machen 1990–2018: Reflections on the Transformations of a Tibetan pilgrimage”, in C. Cüppers et al A Life in Tibetan Studies. Festschrift for Dieter Schuh at the Occasion of his 80 th Birthday. Lumbini, Lumbini International Research Institute, 75–115.
Andrew Grant. The Concrete Plateau: Urban Tibetans and the Chinese Civilizing Mission. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022.
Susette Cooke (2022) Constructing Qinghai Province: Chinese state-making in a Tibetan-Mongol frontier region 1907–1957, Eurasian Geography and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2022.2032240
The Thousand-Household Commander’s Winding Road: The Auto-Narrative of Shawo Tsering. Translated by Hannibal Taubes, with an Introduction by Benno Weiner. Waxing Moon, v. 2, 2022.
Susette Cooke, “Constructing Qinghai Province: Chinese State-Making in a Tibetan-Mongol Frontier Region 1907–1957.” Eurasian Geography and Economics, February, 2022: 1–23. doi:10.1080/15387216.2022.2032240.
Eveline Washul. 2022. “Amdo: Social Landscapes and Change.” In Michael Heneise and Jelle Wouters, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Highland Asia. London: Routledge.
Ute Wallenböck, Memory and Identity: Tashi Tsering, the Last Qinwang South of the Yellow River. Vestnik NSU. Series: History and Philology, vol. 21. no. 10, Oriental Studies, 2022, pp.50–61.
Willock, Nicole. Lineages of the Literary: Tibetan Buddhist Polymaths of Socialist China. By Nicole Willock. New York, Columbia University Press, 2021.
Horlemann, Bianca. “Some Notes on the Third Gurong (1875–1932), an Amdo Nyingmapa Yogin and Little-Known Key Figure in Early 20th-Century Amdo,” in Crossing Boundaries: Tibetan Studies Unlimited. Festschrift for Toni Huber, ed. by Diana Lange et al.; 179–197. Prague: Academia, 2021.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2021. ‘How Much Does Beijing Control the Ethnic Makeup of Tibet?’ China File (magazine of the Center of US-China Relations in New York), 2 September.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2021. ‘Chinese population shares in Tibet: early insights from the 2020 census of China.’ N‑IUSSP (magazine of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population). 20 September.
Robert Barnett, Benno Weiner, and Françoise Robin, eds. Conflicting Memories: Tibetan History Under Mao Retold. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
Horlemann, Bianca. “The ’Liberation’ of Golok as Reflected in the Memoir of Wang Yuying,” in Conflicting Memories. Tibetan History under Mao Retold, ed. by Robert Barnett, Benno Weiner and Françoise Robin, 89–108. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
Li, Jianglin. When the Iron Bird Flies: China’s Secret War in Tibet. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2022.
Brenton Sullivan. Building a Religious empire: Tibetan Buddhism, Bureaucracy, and the Rise of the Gelukpa. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020.
Benno Weiner. The Chinese Revolution on the Tibetan Frontier. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2020.
Weiner, Benno. “The Aporia of Re-remembering: Amdo’s Early-Liberation Period in the Qinghai Wenshi Ziliao.”In Conflicting Memories: Tibet under Mao Retold. Edited by Robert Barnett, Benno Weiner, and Françoise Robin. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
Erhard, F.X. “Representation of Power and Hegemony in Contemporary Fiction from Amdo: Tséring Döndrub’s Novel Fog” In Mapping Amdo — Dynamics of Power edited by Ute Wallenboeck, Bianca Horlemann, and Jarmila Ptackova, Archivni orientalni: Supplementa, 2019.
Katia Buffetrille. “The increasing visibility of the Tibetan “Borderlands” in Stéphane Gros (ed.) Frontier Tibet: Patterns of Change in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands, (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 85–113.
Katia Buffetrille. 2019. “Beasts, Men and Gods”. A red purifying smoke offering (marsang) in Trika (Amdo). Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines [En ligne], 50 | 2019.
Horlemann, Bianca. “Muslim Unrest in Amdo: The Rebellion of Ma Zhongying in 1928 and 1929,” in Mapping Amdo: Dynamics of Power, ed. by Ute Wallenböck, Bianca Horlemann and Jarmila Ptácková, 51–76. Supplementa XI of Archiv orientální. Prague: Oriental Institute, 2019.
Langelaar, Reinier J. “Historical Social Organisation on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau: The Territorial Origins and Etymology of tsho-ba. Inner Asia 21, no. 1 (2019): 7–37.
Ute Wallenböck, Gengya Drakkar (rGan gya brag dkar)—Its Significance as a Place of Pilgrimage and as Sacred Natural Site. In: Wallenböck, U., Horlemann, B. und Ptackova, J. (eds.), Mapping Amdo: Dynamics of Power. Archív Orientální Supplementa. Prague: Oriental Institute CAS, 2019. pp.133–158.
Ute Wallenböck, Cultural and Educational Dimension of the “Silk Road”: The Re-invention of Mongolness in Qinghai Province, PRChina. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies 11, 2019, pp.31–59.
Ute Wallenböck, Die Bevölkerung am Sino-Tibetischen Grenzgebiet. Identitätskonstruktion der Tibet- Mongolen. (Globalgeschichte und Global Studies, Vol. 1), Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2019.
Fischer, Andrew M., and Adrian Zenz. 2018. ‘The Limits to Buying Stability in Tibet: Tibetan Representation and Preferentiality in China’s Contemporary Public Employment System.’ China Quarterly 234: 527–51. (open access; also see online supplementary material).
Cencetti, E. “Pastoralists without Livestock: Perceptions of Work and Livelihood Strategies in New Settlements on the Amdo-Qinghai Tibetan Plateau.” Himalayan Discoveries 2, no. 1. 33–44, 2018.
Makley, C. 2018. The Battle for Fortune: State-led Development, Personhood and Power Among Tibetans in China. Cornell University Press and Weatherhead East Asian Institute.
Makley, C. (with Donyul Dondrup and Abho). “ ‘I will never forget that day’ ”: A conversation with former village leader Gabzang,” in Robert Barnett, Benno Weiner and Francoise Robin, eds., Re-remembering Early Contact between Tibetans and the Chinese Communist Party in the post-Mao Period. Brill.
Makley, C. (with Donyul Dondrup). “The Body Hair that Grows on the Head: Manla-kyab’s ‘Views on Hair and Hairstyles’ (2009),” in Francoise Robin and Nicholas Sihle (eds.), The Cultural Politics of Hair in Tibet.
Sangjie Zhaxi (Sangs rgyas bkra shis) and C. K. Stuart. “Tibetan Daily Life on the gCan tsha thang Grassland.” Himalayan Discoveries 2, no. 1. 111–150.
Virtanen, R.J. “Ordinary Heroes and Heroines? Fictional Stories of Tibetan Life in the Countryside in the gTsang and A mdo Region.” Himalayan Discoveries 2, no. 1. 59–94.
Oidtmann, Max. Forging the Golden Urn: The Qing Empire and the Politics of Reincarnation in Tibet. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018.
Tuttle, G. “Pattern Recognition: Tracking the Spread of the Incarnation Institution through Time and across Tibetan Territory.” Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines. 38 (February 2017)
Makley, C. “The Abstract State: Dilemmas of Sovereignty and Scale Among Tibetans in China,” in, Jarmila Ptackova and Adrian Zenz (eds.), Amdo: Dynamics of Change, rill. Pt kov , J. and Zenz, A. (eds.). 2017. Mapping Amdo: Dynamics of Change, Arch v Orient ln . Supplementa X, Prague: Orient ln stav.
Ptackova, J. Orchestrated environmental migration in Western China. In E. Sternfeld (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy in China, London: Routledge, 223–236.
Ptackova, J. The Enclosure Movement in Eastern Tibetan Pastoralist Areas — An Analysis of Objectives and Realities. In A. Gruschke and I. Breuer (eds.), Tibetan Pastoralists and Development, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 121–130.
Robin, F. “Gangshun and the Rise of Capitalism with Tibetan Characteristics”, High Peaks Pure Earth, October 2017.
Ute Wallenböck, Gtsang A rig – A Tibetan tribe classified as Mongols. In: Ptackova, J. und Zenz, A. (eds.). Mapping Amdo: Dynamics of Change. Archív Orientální Supplementa X. Prague: Oriental Institute CAS, 2017, pp.185–210.
Ute Wallenböck, Marginalisation at China’s Multi-Ethnic Frontier: The Mongols of Henan Mongolian Autonomous County in Qinghai Province. China aktuell — Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 45, 2016, pp.149–182.
Tuttle, G. “The Role of Mongol Elite and Educational Degrees in the Advent of Reincarnation Lineages in 17th Century Amdo.” In Tibet’s Turbulent 17th Century and The Tenth Karmapa. Edited by Karl Debreczeny and Gray Tuttle. Serindia Publications. 2016.
Makley, C. “Khedrup Gyatso: Monk Between Worlds,” in Jeffrey Samuels, Mark Rowe, and Justin McDaniel eds., Figures of Buddhist Modernity in Asia. University of Hawaii Press.
Makley, C. Review of the book Love and Liberation: Autobiographical Writings of the Tibetan Buddhist Visionary Sera Khandro, by Sarah H. Jacoby. Journal of the History of Sexuality 25(3), 527–529.
Ptackova, J. “Making Space for Development. A Study on Resettlement from the Longyangxia Water Reservoir Area of Qinghai Province.” Inner Asia 18, 152–166.
Ptackova, J. Urbanisierung im Naturschutzgebiet der Drei Flussquellen in Qinghai: Die Sesshaftigkeit tibetischer Hirten als Folge von Umweltschutz- und Entwicklungsmaßnahmen. In R. Altenburger und E. Bentmann (Eds.), Raum und Grenze in den China-Studien, Harrassowitz, 121- 136.
Roche, Gerald. “The Tibetanization of Henan’s Mongols: Ethnicity and Assimilation on the Sino-Tibetan Frontier.” Asian Ethnicity 17, no. 1 (2016): 128–49.
Katia Buffetrille. 2016. Les nomades tibétains et les 10 nouvelles vertus. In M.F. Bennes (ed.) Les Tibétains. Paris, Ateliers Dougier, pp. 46–56.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2015. ‘Economic Restructuring and Labour Market Reforms in Amdo, Qinghai: Insights into Contemporary Tibetan Muslim Conflict.’ In Muslims in Amdo Tibetan Society: Multidisciplinary Approaches. Edited by Marie-Paule Hille, Bianca Horlemann, & Paul K. Nietupski. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 207–227.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2015. ‘Subsidising Tibet: an interprovincial comparison of western China up to the end of the Hu-Wen administration.’ China Quarterly 221 (March 2015): 73–99.
Hille, Marie-Paule, Bianca Horlemann and Paul Nietupski (eds.). Muslims in Amdo Tibetan Society. Multidisciplinary Approaches. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Bianca Horlemann “Western Travelogues and Research Reports on Gansu and Qinghai,” Asian Highlands Perspectives 37:37–78, 2015.
Horlemann, Bianca. “Victims of Modernization? Struggles between the Goloks and the Muslim Ma Warlords in Qinghai, 1917–1942,” in Muslims in Amdo Tibetan Society: Multidisciplinary Approaches, ed. by Marie-Paule Hille, Bianca Horlemann and Paul K. Nietupski. Lanham: Lexington, 153–77.
Makley, C. “On the Edge of Respectability: Sexual Politics in China’s Tibet” in The Gender, Culture, Power Reader, Dorothy Hodgson, ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Katia Buffetrille. 2015. A controversy on vegetarianism, in Roberto Vitali (ed.) Trails of the Tibetan Tradition, Papers for Elliot Sperling (Dharamsala, Amye Machen Institute), pp. 113–128.
Makley, C. “The Sociopolitical Lives of Dead Bodies: Tibetan Self-Immolation Protest as Mass Media.” Cultural Anthropology 30(3) (August).
Ptackova, J. “A Sedentarisation Success for Tibetan Pastoralists in Qinghai?” Nomadic Peoples 19(2), 221–240.
Robin, F. “Caring for Women’s Words and Women’s Bodies: A Field Note on Palmo and her “Demoness Welfare Association for Women”, in N. Schneider et M. Schrempf (dir.), Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 34, Women as Visionaries, Healers and Agents of Social Transformation in the Himalayas, Tibet and Mongolia, pp. 153–169.
Oidtmann, Max. “A ‘Dog-Eat-Dog’ World: Qing Jurispractices and the Legal Inscription of Piety in Amdo.” Extrême-Orient Extrȇme-Occident 40 (2016a): 151–82.
Oidtmann, Max. “Overlapping Empires: Religion, Politics, and Ethnicity in 19th Century Qinghai.” Late Imperial China 37, no. 2 (2016b): 41–91.
Tuttle, G. “An Unknown Tradition of Han Chinese Conversion to Tibetan Buddhism: Han Chinese Incarnate Lamas and Parishioners of Tibetan Buddhist Temples in Amdo.” Zangxue xuekan 藏学学刊/ Journal of Tibetology. 9 (2014) 274–298.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2014. The Disempowered Development of Tibet in China: a study in the economics of marginalisation. Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman and Littlefield (cross-listed with the Weatherhead East Asian Institute Book Series at Columbia University).
Makley, C. “Spectacular Compassion: ‘Natural’ Disasters and National Mourning in China’s Tibet,” Critical Asian Studies 46 (3): 371–404.
Makley, C. “Review Essay. Jinba, Tenzin. In the Land of the Eastern Queendom,” Journal of Asian Studies 73(4): 1084–1087.
Makley, C. “The Amoral Other: State-led Development and Mountain Deity Cults among Tibetans in Amdo Rebgong,” in Emily Yeh and Chris Coggins, eds., Mapping Shangrila: Nature, Personhood, and Polity in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Ptackova, J. Urban Livelihood Strategies of Pastoralists and Semi-Pastoralists in Rural Qinghai, China. Zhongguo xibu kaifa yanjiu lianheti di 9 jie xueshu nianhui huiyi lunwen ji. Guizhou, Guian xinqu. 128–136.
Dhondup, Y., Samuel, G. & Pagel, U. (Eds.). 2013. Monastic and Lay Traditions in North Eastern Tibet, Leiden: Brill.
Dhondup, Y. “Rules and Regulations of the Reb kong Tantric Community.” In Y. Dhondup, G. Samuel & U. Pagel (Eds.), Monastic and Lay Traditions in North-Eastern Tibet. Leiden: Brill, 117–140.
Pirie, Fernanda. “The Limits of the State: Coercion and Consent in Chinese Tibet.” Journal of Asian Studies 72, no. 1 (2013): 69–89.
Erhard, F.X. “Remembering History in Amdo: Three Literary Accounts for the Years from 1956 to 1976.” In “Current Issues and Progress in Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar of Young Tibetologists.”: Edited by Tsuguhito Takeuchi, Kazushi Iwao, Nishida Ai, Seiji Kumagai, and Meishi Yamamoto. Special issue, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Journal of Research Institute 51: 103–23.
Makley, C. “The Politics of Presence: Voice, Deity Possession, and Dilemmas of Development Among Tibetans in the PRC,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 55 (3): 665–700.
Makley, C. “Rebgong’s Klu rol and the Politics of Presence: Methodological Considerations,” in Unity and Diversity: Monastic and Non-monastic Traditions in North-east Tibet. Yangdon Dhondup, Ulrich Pagel, Geoffrey Samuels. eds. Leiden: Brill.
Makley, C. Book Review. Craig, Sienna. Healing Elements: Efficacy and the Social Ecologies of Tibetan Medicine, in Comparative Studies in Society and History.
Tuttle, G. “Building up the Dge lugs pa Base in A mdo: The Roles of Lhasa, Beijing and Local Agency,” Zangxue xuekan 藏学学刊/ Journal of Tibetology. 7 (2012) 126–140.
Dhondup, Y. “Rig ’dzin Dpal ldan bkra shis (1688–1743) and The Emergence of a Tantric Community in Reb kong, A mdo (Qinghai).” The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (JIABS) 34/1–2, 3–30.
Horlemann, Bianca. “Tibetans and Muslims in Northwest China: Economic and Political Aspects of a Complex Historical Relationship,” Asian Highlands Perspectives 21: 141–186, 2012.
Horlemann, Bianca. “Tibetan Nomadic Trade, the Chinese ‘Xiejia’ System and the Sino-Tibetan Border Market in Stong ’khor/ Dan’gaer in 19th/ 20th Century A mdo,” in Studies on the History and Literature of Tibet and the Himalaya, ed. by Roberto Vitali. Kathmandu: Vajra, 109–142, 2012.
Horlemann, Bianca. “Early Tibetan Toponyms. An Attempt to Identify ‘Byi lig of P.T. 116 and P.T. 996,” Xiyu lishi yuyan yanjiu jikan 西域历史语言研究集刊/ Historical and Philological Studies of China’s Western Region 5: 113–133, 2012.
Horlemann, Bianca. “Buddhist Sites in A mdo and former Longyou from the 8th to the 13th Century,” in PIATS Oxford 2003, Old Tibetan Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Ronald E. Emmerick, ed. by Cristina Scherrer-Schaub. Leiden: Brill, 119–157, 2012.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2012. ‘The Geopolitics of Politico-Religious Protest in Eastern Tibet.’ Cultural Anthropology Hot Spot Forum 4.
Makley, C. “The Political Lives of Dead Bodies,” in Cultural Anthropology Hot Spot Forum: Self-Immolation as Protest in Tibet (April).
Ptackova, J. Implementation of Resettlement Programs among Pastoralist Communities in Eastern Tibet. In H. Kreutzmann (Ed.),Pastoral practices in High Asia, Springer; 217–235.
Robin, F. “La révolte en Amdo en 1958,” in K. Buffetrille and F. Robin (eds.), L’histoire du Tibet du XVIIème au XXIème siècle, Rapport de groupe interparlementaire d’amitié N° 104, 2012, pp. 45–56.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2011. ‘The Great Transformation of Tibet? Rapid labour transitions in times of rapid growth.’ Himalaya 30(1–2): 63–77.
Dhondup, Y. “Reb kong: Religion, History and Identity of a Sino-Tibetan borderland town ”, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 20, Avril 2011, pp. 33–59.
Erhard, F.X. “Constructed Identities and Contemporary Tibetan Literature: The Fiction of the A‑mdo-ba Skyabs-chen bde-grol and the Lha-sa-ba Dpal-’byor.” In Mapping the Modern in Tibet. Edited by Gray Tuttle, 419–34. Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung 24. Halle (Saale): International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (IITBS).
Ptackova, J. “Sedentarisation of Tibetan nomads in China. Implementation of the ‘Nomadic settlement’ project in the Tibetan Amdo area; Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces.” Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice; Springer Open Journal.
Virtanen, Riika J. “Tibetan Written Images. A Study of Imagery in the Writings of Dhondup Gyal.” Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 111 (2): 190–92
Makley, C. “Minzu, Market and the Mandala: National Exhibitionism and Tibetan Buddhist Revival in Post-Mao China.” in Faiths on Display, Timothy Oakes and Donald Sutton, eds. Routledge.
Katia Buffetrille. 2010 “May the new emerge from the ancient! May the ancient serve the present!” The Gesar festival of Rma chen (A mdo 2002), in Roberti Vitali (ed.) Proceedings of the International Seminar on Tibetan and Himalayan Studies. Dharamsala, September 3 rd ‑5 th 2009. Tibet Journal, Special Issue. Autumn 2009 vol. XXXIV n.3‑Summer 2010 vol.XXXV n.2, pp. 523–554.
Katia Buffetrille. 2010. Khyung mo monastery (A mdo) and its “map” of ’Ol mo lung ring. East and West n o . 58 I‑IV. Rome, IsMEO, pp. 313–326.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2010. ‘Towards Genuine Universalism within Contemporary Development Policy.’ IDS Bulletin (Special Issue on MDGs and Beyond) 41(1): 36–44.
Ptackova, J. “The sedentarization process in Tibetan nomadic areas of Qinghai, China.” Mongolo-Tibetica Pragensia, Karlova Univerzita, Praha; 157–182.
Cooke, Susette. 2008. “Surviving State and Society in Northwest China: The Hui Experience in Qinghai Province under the PRC.” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 28 (3): 401–20. doi:10.1080/13602000802548060.
Cooke, Susette. “Becoming and Unbecoming Tu: Nation, Nationality and the People’s Republic of China.” In Exile Cultures, Misplaced Identities, edited by Paul Allatson and Jo McCormack, 34–56. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2008. ‘“Population Invasion” versus Urban Exclusion in the Tibetan Areas of Western China.’ Population and Development Review 34 (4): 631–662.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2008. ‘The Muslim Cook, the Tibetan Client, his Lama and their Boycott: Modern religious discourses of anti-Muslim economic activism in Amdo.’ In Huber, Toni, and Fernanda Pirie, eds., Conflict and social order in Tibet and Inner Asia. Leiden: Brill, pp. 159–192.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2008. ‘Subsistence and Rural Tibetan Household Livelihood Strategies under Rapid Economic and Social Transition’, Journal of the International Association of Tibet Studies 4 (December): 1–49.
Katia Buffetrille. 2008. Some remarks on mediums: the case of the lha pa of the musical festival (glu rol) of Sog ru (A mdo), Mongolo-Tibetica Pragensia ’08, vol. 1, n°2, Charles University, Prague, pp. 13–66.
Pirie, Fernanda. “Order, Individualism and Responsibility: Contrasting Dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau.” In Order and Disorder: Anthropological Perspectives, edited by Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and Fernanda Pirie, 54–73. New York: Berghahn, 2007.
Fischer, Andrew M. 2005. State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet: Challenges of Recent Economic Growth. Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press.
Goodman, David S. G. 2005. “Exiled by Definition: The Salar and Economic Activism in Northwest China.” Asian Studies Review 29 (4): 325–43. doi:10.1080/10357820500398309.
Pirie, Fernanda. “Segmentation within the State: The Reconfiguration of Tibetan Tribes in China’s Reform Period.” Nomadic Peoples 9, nos. 1–2 (2005): 83–102.
Goodman, David S. G. “Qinghai and the Emergence of the West: Nationalities, Communal Interaction and National Integration.” China Quarterly, no. 178 (2004): 379–99.
Katia Buffetrille. 2004. The Evolution of a Tibetan Pilgrimage: the Pilgrimage to A myes rMa chen Mountain in the 21st Century. Symposium on Contemporary Tibetan Studies, 21st century Tibet Issue, Collected Papers. Taipei, Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, pp. 325–363.
Katia Buffetrille. 2004. Jeu et rituel ou comment le jeu peut être un rituel : le glu/klu rol du sixième mois dans la région de Reb gong (A mdo), in Études mongoles, sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines. 35. Automne 2004, pp. 203–229.
Toni Huber, ed. Amdo Tibetans in Transition: Society and Culture in the Post-Mao Era, Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Katia Buffetrille. 1997. “The Great Pilgrimage of A myes rMa-chen: Written Traditions, Living Realities”, in A.W. Macdonald (ed.) Mandala and Landscape. Delhi, D.K. Printworld : 75–132.
Katia Buffetrille. “The Blue lake and its island: legends and pilgrimage guide”, Tibet Journal, Dharamsala, Vol. XIX, n°4, Winter : 2–23. Published again in 1999, « The Blue lake and its island: legends and pilgrimage guide », in T. Huber (ed.) Sacred spaces and Powerful Places in Tibetan Religious Culture: A collection of Essays. Dharamsala, LTWA : 105–124 (Revised version).