Amdo Research Network

Further Publications


Tim­o­thy Thurston, Satir­i­cal Tibet: The Pol­i­tics of Humor in Con­tem­po­rary Amdo. Seat­tle: Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton Press, 2025
Tser­ing Wang­mo Dhom­pa, The Pol­i­tics of Sor­row: Uni­ty and Alle­giance Across Tibetan Exile. New York: Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2025


Shan­non Ward, Amdo Lul­la­by: An Ethnog­ra­phy of Child­hood and Lan­guage Shift on the Tibetan Plateau. Toron­to: Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Press, 2024.
Ger­ald Roche, The Pol­i­tics of Lan­guage Oppres­sion in Tibet. Itha­ca: Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2024.
Andrew Grant (2024): Urban­iza­tion, rela­tion­al space, and prac­tic­ing Mus­lim eth­nic­i­ty in West­ern Chi­na,” Asian Eth­nic­i­ty, DOI: 10.1080/14631369.2024.2417019

Andrew Grant (2024) Clos­ing the Sub-Fron­tier: Cor­ri­doris­ing Tibet and the Social Life of Per­va­sive Secu­ri­ty.” Ter­ri­to­ry, Pol­i­tics, Gov­er­nance, Novem­ber, 120. doi:10.1080/21622671.2024.2422893.

Don­ald S. Sut­ton (2024) Ter­ri­to­ri­al­iza­tion and eth­nic con­trol in China’s bor­der­lands: Aba pre­fec­ture in the People’s Repub­lic, 19502020,” Eurasian Geog­ra­phy and Eco­nom­ics, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2024.2343659

Andrew M. Fis­ch­er. The chang­ing eth­nic demog­ra­phy of Amdo Tibet. Insights from the 2020 Pop­u­la­tion Cen­sus of Chi­na”, Études mon­goles et sibéri­ennes, cen­trasi­a­tiques et tibé­taines [En ligne], 55 | 2024. URL : 

Jarmi­la Ptáčková. Lost on the path towards moder­ni­ty. Urban­i­sa­tion and liveli­hood prospects of the tran­si­tion­al gen­er­a­tion in Tibetan rur­al areas in Qing­hai, People’s Repub­lic of Chi­na”, Études mon­goles et sibéri­ennes, cen­trasi­a­tiques et tibé­taines [En ligne], 55 | 2024. URL :

Palden Gyal. The Meu King­dom. Unrav­el­ling the his­to­ry of a Tibetan poli­ty in the Sino-Tibetan bor­der­lands, 17001930″, Études mon­goles et sibéri­ennes, cen­trasi­a­tiques et tibé­taines [En ligne], 55 | 2024. URL :

Tse­hua Gyal, Unset­tled land­scapes. The (un)making and remak­ing of a Tibetan farm­ing com­mu­ni­ty in north­west­ern Chi­na”, Études mon­goles et sibéri­ennes, cen­trasi­a­tiques et tibé­taines [En ligne], 55 | 2024. URL : 

Eve­line Washul. 2024. Cen­ter­ing the His­to­ries of Tibetan Place Names.” In Cen­ter­ing the Rich­ness of Tibetan Lan­guage in Tibetan Stud­ies” spe­cial issue of Yeshe: A Jour­nal of Tibetan Lit­er­a­ture, Arts and Humanities.


Ben­no Wein­er. This is Absolute­ly Not a Hui Rebel­lion!’ The Eth­nop­o­l­i­tics of Great Nation­al­i­ty Chau­vin­ism in Ear­ly-Maoist Chi­na,” Twen­ti­eth-Cen­tu­ry Chi­na, 48.3 (2023), 208229

Ute Wal­len­böck und Veroni­ka Zik­mundová, Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ar­ies’ Ethno­graph­ic Accounts of Diets and Food­ways in the Area of Kokonor dur­ing the late 19th Cen­tu­ry and Ear­ly Repub­li­can Time Reli­gio: Revue pro reli­gion­is­tiku 31/2, 2023, pp. 259279.  

Katia Buf­fetrille & Tser­ing Woeser. Amnyé Machen, Amnyé Machen. Traduit par Brigitte Duzan et Valenti­na Pelu­so. Édité et annoté par Katia Buf­fetrille, 2023

Katia Buf­fetrille. Amnye Machen 19902018: Reflec­tions on the Trans­for­ma­tions of a Tibetan pil­grim­age”, in C. Cüp­pers et al A Life in Tibetan Stud­ies. Festschrift for Dieter Schuh at the Occa­sion of his 80 th Birth­day. Lumbi­ni, Lumbi­ni Inter­na­tion­al Research Insti­tute, 75115


Andrew Grant. The Con­crete Plateau: Urban Tibetans and the Chi­nese Civ­i­liz­ing Mis­sion. Itha­ca, NY: Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2022.

Susette Cooke (2022) Con­struct­ing Qing­hai Province: Chi­nese state-mak­ing in a Tibetan-Mon­gol fron­tier region 19071957, Eurasian Geog­ra­phy and Eco­nom­ics, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2022.2032240

The Thou­sand-House­hold Com­man­der’s Wind­ing Road: The Auto-Nar­ra­tive of Sha­wo Tser­ing. Trans­lat­ed by Han­ni­bal Taubes, with an Intro­duc­tion by Ben­no Wein­er. Wax­ing Moon, v. 22022

Susette Cooke, Con­struct­ing Qing­hai Province: Chi­nese State-Mak­ing in a Tibetan-Mon­gol Fron­tier Region 19071957.” Eurasian Geog­ra­phy and Eco­nom­ics, Feb­ru­ary, 2022123. doi:10.1080/15387216.2022.2032240

Eve­line Washul. 2022. Amdo: Social Land­scapes and Change.” In Michael Heneise and Jelle Wouters, eds. The Rout­ledge Hand­book of Con­tem­po­rary High­land Asia. Lon­don: Routledge. 

Ute Wal­len­böck, Mem­o­ry and Iden­ti­ty: Tashi Tser­ing, the Last Qin­wang South of the Yel­low Riv­er. Vest­nik NSU. Series: His­to­ry and Philol­o­gy, vol. 21. no. 10, Ori­en­tal Stud­ies, 2022, pp.5061.  


Willock, Nicole. Lin­eages of the Lit­er­ary: Tibetan Bud­dhist Poly­maths of Social­ist Chi­na. By Nicole Willock. New York, Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2021

Hor­le­mann, Bian­ca. Some Notes on the Third Gurong (18751932), an Amdo Nyingma­pa Yogin and Lit­tle-Known Key Fig­ure in Ear­ly 20th-Cen­tu­ry Amdo,” in Cross­ing Bound­aries: Tibetan Stud­ies Unlim­it­ed. Festschrift for Toni Huber, ed. by Diana Lange et al.; 179197. Prague: Acad­e­mia, 2021

Fis­ch­er, Andrew M. 2021. How Much Does Bei­jing Con­trol the Eth­nic Make­up of Tibet?’ Chi­na File (mag­a­zine of the Cen­ter of US-Chi­na Rela­tions in New York), 2 September. 

Fis­ch­er, Andrew M. 2021. Chi­nese pop­u­la­tion shares in Tibet: ear­ly insights from the 2020 cen­sus of Chi­na.’ N‑IUSSP (mag­a­zine of the Inter­na­tion­al Union for the Sci­en­tif­ic Study of Pop­u­la­tion). 20 September.


Robert Bar­nett, Ben­no Wein­er, and Françoise Robin, eds. Con­flict­ing Mem­o­ries: Tibetan His­to­ry Under Mao Retold. Lei­den: Brill, 2020.

Hor­le­mann, Bian­ca. The Lib­er­a­tion’ of Golok as Reflect­ed in the Mem­oir of Wang Yuy­ing,” in Con­flict­ing Mem­o­ries. Tibetan His­to­ry under Mao Retold, ed. by Robert Bar­nett, Ben­no Wein­er and Françoise Robin, 89108. Lei­den: Brill, 2020

Li, Jian­glin. When the Iron Bird Flies: China’s Secret War in Tibet. Stan­ford: Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2022

Bren­ton Sul­li­van. Build­ing a Reli­gious empire: Tibetan Bud­dhism, Bureau­cra­cy, and the Rise of the Geluk­pa. Philadel­phia: Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia Press, 2020

Ben­no Wein­er. The Chi­nese Rev­o­lu­tion on the Tibetan Fron­tier. Itha­ca, NY: Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2020

Wein­er, Ben­no. The Apo­r­ia of Re-remem­ber­ing: Amdo’s Ear­ly-Lib­er­a­tion Peri­od in the Qing­hai Wen­shi Ziliao.”In Con­flict­ing Mem­o­ries: Tibet under Mao Retold. Edit­ed by Robert Bar­nett, Ben­no Wein­er, and Françoise Robin. Lei­den: Brill, 2020


Erhard, F.X. Rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Pow­er and Hege­mo­ny in Con­tem­po­rary Fic­tion from Amdo: Tséring Döndrub’s Nov­el Fog” In Map­ping Amdo — Dynam­ics of Pow­er edit­ed by Ute Wal­len­boeck, Bian­ca Hor­le­mann, and Jarmi­la Ptack­o­va, Archivni ori­en­tal­ni: Sup­ple­men­ta, 2019

Katia Buf­fetrille. The increas­ing vis­i­bil­i­ty of the Tibetan Bor­der­lands” in Stéphane Gros (ed.) Fron­tier Tibet: Pat­terns of Change in the Sino-Tibetan Bor­der­lands, (Ams­ter­dam, Ams­ter­dam Uni­ver­si­ty Press, pp. 85113.

Katia Buf­fetrille. 2019. Beasts, Men and Gods”. A red puri­fy­ing smoke offer­ing (marsang) in Tri­ka (Amdo). Études mon­goles et sibéri­ennes, cen­trasi­a­tiques et tibé­taines [En ligne], 502019

Hor­le­mann, Bian­ca. Mus­lim Unrest in Amdo: The Rebel­lion of Ma Zhongy­ing in 1928 and 1929,” in Map­ping Amdo: Dynam­ics of Pow­er, ed. by Ute Wal­len­böck, Bian­ca Hor­le­mann and Jarmi­la Ptáck­ová, 5176. Sup­ple­men­ta XI of Archiv ori­en­tál­ní. Prague: Ori­en­tal Insti­tute, 2019

Lan­ge­laar, Reinier J. His­tor­i­cal Social Organ­i­sa­tion on the East­ern Tibetan Plateau: The Ter­ri­to­r­i­al Ori­gins and Ety­mol­o­gy of tsho-ba. Inner Asia 21, no. 1 (2019): 737.

Ute Wal­len­böck, Gengya Drakkar (rGan gya brag dkar)—Its Sig­nif­i­cance as a Place of Pil­grim­age and as Sacred Nat­ur­al Site. In: Wal­len­böck, U., Hor­le­mann, B. und Ptack­o­va, J. (eds.), Map­ping Amdo: Dynam­ics of Pow­er. Archív Ori­en­tál­ní Sup­ple­men­ta. Prague: Ori­en­tal Insti­tute CAS, 2019. pp.133158.

Ute Wal­len­böck, Cul­tur­al and Edu­ca­tion­al Dimen­sion of the Silk Road”: The Re-inven­tion of Mon­gol­ness in Qing­hai Province, PRChi­na. Vien­na Jour­nal of East Asian Stud­ies 11, 2019, pp.3159.  

Ute Wal­len­böck, Die Bevölkerung am Sino-Tibetis­chen Gren­zge­bi­et. Iden­tität­skon­struk­tion der Tibet- Mon­golen. (Glob­algeschichte und Glob­al Stud­ies, Vol. 1), Mün­ster: Aschen­dorff Ver­lag, 2019


Fis­ch­er, Andrew M., and Adri­an Zenz. 2018. The Lim­its to Buy­ing Sta­bil­i­ty in Tibet: Tibetan Rep­re­sen­ta­tion and Pref­er­en­tial­i­ty in China’s Con­tem­po­rary Pub­lic Employ­ment Sys­tem.’ Chi­na Quar­ter­ly 234: 52751. (open access; also see online sup­ple­men­tary mate­r­i­al).

Cencetti, E. Pas­toral­ists with­out Live­stock: Per­cep­tions of Work and Liveli­hood Strate­gies in New Set­tle­ments on the Amdo-Qing­hai Tibetan Plateau.” Himalayan Dis­cov­er­ies 2, no. 1. 3344, 2018

Mak­ley, C. 2018. The Bat­tle for For­tune: State-led Devel­op­ment, Per­son­hood and Pow­er Among Tibetans in Chi­na. Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty Press and Weath­er­head East Asian Institute.

Mak­ley, C. (with Donyul Don­drup and Abho). “ I will nev­er for­get that day’ ”: A con­ver­sa­tion with for­mer vil­lage leader Gabzang,” in Robert Bar­nett, Ben­no Wein­er and Fran­coise Robin, eds., Re-remem­ber­ing Ear­ly Con­tact between Tibetans and the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty in the post-Mao Peri­od. Brill.

Mak­ley, C. (with Donyul Don­drup). The Body Hair that Grows on the Head: Man­la-kyab’s Views on Hair and Hair­styles’ (2009),” in Fran­coise Robin and Nicholas Sih­le (eds.), The Cul­tur­al Pol­i­tics of Hair in Tibet.

Sangjie Zhaxi (Sangs rgyas bkra shis) and C. K. Stu­art. Tibetan Dai­ly Life on the gCan tsha thang Grass­land.” Himalayan Dis­cov­er­ies 2, no. 1. 111150.

Vir­ta­nen, R.J. Ordi­nary Heroes and Hero­ines? Fic­tion­al Sto­ries of Tibetan Life in the Coun­try­side in the gTsang and A mdo Region.” Himalayan Dis­cov­er­ies 2, no. 1. 5994.

Oidt­mann, Max. Forg­ing the Gold­en Urn: The Qing Empire and the Pol­i­tics of Rein­car­na­tion in Tibet. New York: Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2018.


Tut­tle, G. Pat­tern Recog­ni­tion: Track­ing the Spread of the Incar­na­tion Insti­tu­tion through Time and across Tibetan Ter­ri­to­ry.” Revue d’Etudes Tibé­taines. 38 (Feb­ru­ary 2017)

Mak­ley, C. The Abstract State: Dilem­mas of Sov­er­eign­ty and Scale Among Tibetans in Chi­na,” in, Jarmi­la Ptack­o­va and Adri­an Zenz (eds.), Amdo: Dynam­ics of Change, rill. Pt kov , J. and Zenz, A. (eds.). 2017. Map­ping Amdo: Dynam­ics of Change, Arch v Ori­ent ln . Sup­ple­men­ta X, Prague: Ori­ent ln stav.

Ptack­o­va, J. Orches­trat­ed envi­ron­men­tal migra­tion in West­ern Chi­na. In E. Stern­feld (ed.), Rout­ledge Hand­book of Envi­ron­men­tal Pol­i­cy in Chi­na, Lon­don: Rout­ledge, 223236.

Ptack­o­va, J. The Enclo­sure Move­ment in East­ern Tibetan Pas­toral­ist Areas — An Analy­sis of Objec­tives and Real­i­ties. In A. Gruschke and I. Breuer (eds.), Tibetan Pas­toral­ists and Devel­op­ment, Wies­baden: Reichert, 121130.

Robin, F. Gang­shun and the Rise of Cap­i­tal­ism with Tibetan Char­ac­ter­is­tics”, High Peaks Pure Earth, Octo­ber 2017.

Ute Wal­len­böck, Gtsang A rig – A Tibetan tribe clas­si­fied as Mon­gols. In: Ptack­o­va, J. und Zenz, A. (eds.). Map­ping Amdo: Dynam­ics of Change. Archív Ori­en­tál­ní Sup­ple­men­ta X. Prague: Ori­en­tal Insti­tute CAS, 2017, pp.185210


Ute Wal­len­böck, Mar­gin­al­i­sa­tion at China’s Mul­ti-Eth­nic Fron­tier: The Mon­gols of Henan Mon­go­lian Autonomous Coun­ty in Qing­hai Province. Chi­na aktuell — Jour­nal of Cur­rent Chi­nese Affairs, 45, 2016, pp.149182

Tut­tle, G. The Role of Mon­gol Elite and Edu­ca­tion­al Degrees in the Advent of Rein­car­na­tion Lin­eages in 17th Cen­tu­ry Amdo.” In Tibet’s Tur­bu­lent 17th Cen­tu­ry and The Tenth Karma­pa. Edit­ed by Karl Debreczeny and Gray Tut­tle. Serindia Pub­li­ca­tions. 2016

Mak­ley, C. Khe­drup Gyat­so: Monk Between Worlds,” in Jef­frey Samuels, Mark Rowe, and Justin McDaniel eds., Fig­ures of Bud­dhist Moder­ni­ty in Asia. Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii Press. 

Mak­ley, C. Review of the book Love and Lib­er­a­tion: Auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal Writ­ings of the Tibetan Bud­dhist Vision­ary Sera Khan­dro, by Sarah H. Jaco­by. Jour­nal of the His­to­ry of Sex­u­al­i­ty 25(3), 527529

Ptack­o­va, J. Mak­ing Space for Devel­op­ment. A Study on Reset­tle­ment from the Longyangx­ia Water Reser­voir Area of Qing­hai Province.Inner Asia 18, 152166.

Ptack­o­va, J. Urban­isierung im Naturschutzge­bi­et der Drei Flussquellen in Qing­hai: Die Sesshaftigkeit tibetis­ch­er Hirten als Folge von Umweltschutz- und Entwick­lungs­maß­nah­men. In R. Altenburg­er und E. Bent­mann (Eds.), Raum und Gren­ze in den Chi­na-Stu­di­en, Har­ras­sowitz, 121136.

Roche, Ger­ald. The Tibetaniza­tion of Henan’s Mon­gols: Eth­nic­i­ty and Assim­i­la­tion on the Sino-Tibetan Fron­tier.” Asian Eth­nic­i­ty 17, no. 1 (2016): 12849

Katia Buf­fetrille. 2016. Les nomades tibé­tains et les 10 nou­velles ver­tus. In M.F. Bennes (ed.) Les Tibé­tains. Paris, Ate­liers Dougi­er, pp. 4656.


Fis­ch­er, Andrew M. 2015. Eco­nom­ic Restruc­tur­ing and Labour Mar­ket Reforms in Amdo, Qing­hai: Insights into Con­tem­po­rary Tibetan Mus­lim Con­flict.’ In Mus­lims in Amdo Tibetan Soci­ety: Mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary Approach­es. Edit­ed by Marie-Paule Hille, Bian­ca Hor­le­mann, & Paul K. Nietup­s­ki. Lan­ham, MD: Lex­ing­ton Books, pp. 207227

Fis­ch­er, Andrew M. 2015. Sub­si­dis­ing Tibet: an inter­provin­cial com­par­i­son of west­ern Chi­na up to the end of the Hu-Wen admin­is­tra­tion.’ Chi­na Quar­ter­ly 221 (March 2015): 7399.

Hille, Marie-Paule, Bian­ca Hor­le­mann and Paul Nietup­s­ki (eds.). Mus­lims in Amdo Tibetan Soci­ety. Mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary Approach­es. Lan­ham, MD: Lex­ing­ton Books. 

Bian­ca Hor­le­mann West­ern Trav­el­ogues and Research Reports on Gan­su and Qing­hai,” Asian High­lands Per­spec­tives 37:3778, 2015

Hor­le­mann, Bian­ca. Vic­tims of Mod­ern­iza­tion? Strug­gles between the Goloks and the Mus­lim Ma War­lords in Qing­hai, 19171942,” in Mus­lims in Amdo Tibetan Soci­ety: Mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary Approach­es, ed. by Marie-Paule Hille, Bian­ca Hor­le­mann and Paul K. Nietup­s­ki. Lan­ham: Lex­ing­ton, 15377.

Mak­ley, C. On the Edge of Respectabil­i­ty: Sex­u­al Pol­i­tics in China’s Tibet” in The Gen­der, Cul­ture, Pow­er Read­er, Dorothy Hodg­son, ed., Oxford: Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty Press.

Katia Buf­fetrille. 2015. A con­tro­ver­sy on veg­e­tar­i­an­ism, in Rober­to Vitali (ed.) Trails of the Tibetan Tra­di­tion, Papers for Elliot Sper­ling (Dharam­sala, Amye Machen Insti­tute), pp. 113128

Mak­ley, C. The Sociopo­lit­i­cal Lives of Dead Bod­ies: Tibetan Self-Immo­la­tion Protest as Mass Media.” Cul­tur­al Anthro­pol­o­gy 30(3) (August).

Ptack­o­va, J. A Seden­tari­sa­tion Suc­cess for Tibetan Pas­toral­ists in Qing­hai?” Nomadic Peo­ples 19(2), 221240.

Robin, F. Car­ing for Wom­en’s Words and Wom­en’s Bod­ies: A Field Note on Pal­mo and her Demoness Wel­fare Asso­ci­a­tion for Women”, in N. Schnei­der et M. Schrempf (dir.), Revue d’E­tudes Tibé­taines 34Women as Vision­ar­ies, Heal­ers and Agents of Social Trans­for­ma­tion in the Himalayas, Tibet and Mon­go­lia, pp. 153169

Oidt­mann, Max. A Dog-Eat-Dog’ World: Qing Jurisprac­tices and the Legal Inscrip­tion of Piety in Amdo.” Extrême-Ori­ent Extrȇme-Occi­dent 40 (2016a): 15182.

Oidt­mann, Max. Over­lap­ping Empires: Reli­gion, Pol­i­tics, and Eth­nic­i­ty in 19th Cen­tu­ry Qing­hai.” Late Impe­r­i­al Chi­na 37, no. 2 (2016b): 4191


Tut­tle, G. An Unknown Tra­di­tion of Han Chi­nese Con­ver­sion to Tibetan Bud­dhism: Han Chi­nese Incar­nate Lamas and Parish­ioners of Tibetan Bud­dhist Tem­ples in Amdo.Zangx­ue xuekan 藏学学刊/ Jour­nal of Tibetol­ogy. 9 (2014) 274298.

Fis­ch­er, Andrew M. 2014. The Dis­em­pow­ered Devel­op­ment of Tibet in Chi­na: a study in the eco­nom­ics of mar­gin­al­i­sa­tion. Lan­ham, MD: Lexington/Rowman and Lit­tle­field (cross-list­ed with the Weath­er­head East Asian Insti­tute Book Series at Colum­bia University). 

Mak­ley, C. Spec­tac­u­lar Com­pas­sion: Nat­ur­al’ Dis­as­ters and Nation­al Mourn­ing in Chi­na’s Tibet,” Crit­i­cal Asian Stud­ies 46 (3): 371404.

Mak­ley, C. Review Essay. Jin­ba, Ten­zin. In the Land of the East­ern Queen­dom,” Jour­nal of Asian Stud­ies 73(4): 10841087.

Mak­ley, C. The Amoral Oth­er: State-led Devel­op­ment and Moun­tain Deity Cults among Tibetans in Amdo Reb­gong,” in Emi­ly Yeh and Chris Cog­gins, eds., Map­ping Shangri­la: Nature, Per­son­hood, and Poli­ty in the Sino-Tibetan Bor­der­lands. Seat­tle: Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton Press.

Ptack­o­va, J. Urban Liveli­hood Strate­gies of Pas­toral­ists and Semi-Pas­toral­ists in Rur­al Qing­hai, Chi­na. Zhong­guo xibu kaifa yan­jiu lian­heti di 9 jie xueshu nian­hui huiyi lun­wen ji. Guizhou, Guian xin­qu. 128136.


Dhondup, Y., Samuel, G. & Pagel, U. (Eds.). 2013. Monas­tic and Lay Tra­di­tions in North East­ern Tibet, Lei­den: Brill.

Dhondup, Y. Rules and Reg­u­la­tions of the Reb kong Tantric Com­mu­ni­ty.” In Y. Dhondup, G. Samuel & U. Pagel (Eds.), Monas­tic and Lay Tra­di­tions in North-East­ern Tibet. Lei­den: Brill, 117140.

Pirie, Fer­nan­da. The Lim­its of the State: Coer­cion and Con­sent in Chi­nese Tibet.” Jour­nal of Asian Stud­ies 72, no. 1 (2013): 6989.

Erhard, F.X. Remem­ber­ing His­to­ry in Amdo: Three Lit­er­ary Accounts for the Years from 1956 to 1976.” In Cur­rent Issues and Progress in Tibetan Stud­ies: Pro­ceed­ings of the Third Inter­na­tion­al Sem­i­nar of Young Tibetol­o­gists.”: Edit­ed by Tsug­uhi­to Takeuchi, Kazushi Iwao, Nishi­da Ai, Sei­ji Kuma­gai, and Meishi Yamamo­to. Spe­cial issue, Kobe City Uni­ver­si­ty of For­eign Stud­ies Jour­nal of Research Insti­tute 51: 10323.

Mak­ley, C. The Pol­i­tics of Pres­ence: Voice, Deity Pos­ses­sion, and Dilem­mas of Devel­op­ment Among Tibetans in the PRC,” Com­par­a­tive Stud­ies in Soci­ety and His­to­ry 55 (3): 665700.

Mak­ley, C. Reb­gong’s Klu rol and the Pol­i­tics of Pres­ence: Method­olog­i­cal Con­sid­er­a­tions,” in Uni­ty and Diver­si­ty: Monas­tic and Non-monas­tic Tra­di­tions in North-east Tibet. Yang­don Dhondup, Ulrich Pagel, Geof­frey Samuels. eds. Lei­den: Brill.

Mak­ley, C. Book Review. Craig, Sien­na. Heal­ing Ele­ments: Effi­ca­cy and the Social Ecolo­gies of Tibetan Med­i­cine, in Com­par­a­tive Stud­ies in Soci­ety and His­to­ry.


Tut­tle, G. Build­ing up the Dge lugs pa Base in A mdo: The Roles of Lhasa, Bei­jing and Local Agency,” Zangx­ue xuekan 藏学学刊/ Jour­nal of Tibetol­ogy. 7 (2012) 126140

Dhondup, Y. Rig dzin Dpal ldan bkra shis (16881743) and The Emer­gence of a Tantric Com­mu­ni­ty in Reb kong, A mdo (Qing­hai).” The Jour­nal of the Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Bud­dhist Stud­ies (JIABS) 34/12, 330.

Hor­le­mann, Bian­ca. Tibetans and Mus­lims in North­west Chi­na: Eco­nom­ic and Polit­i­cal Aspects of a Com­plex His­tor­i­cal Rela­tion­ship,” Asian High­lands Per­spec­tives 21: 141186, 2012

Hor­le­mann, Bian­ca. Tibetan Nomadic Trade, the Chi­nese Xiejia’ Sys­tem and the Sino-Tibetan Bor­der Mar­ket in Stong khor/ Dan’gaer in 19th/ 20th Cen­tu­ry A mdo,” in Stud­ies on the His­to­ry and Lit­er­a­ture of Tibet and the Himalaya, ed. by Rober­to Vitali. Kath­man­du: Vajra, 109142, 2012

Hor­le­mann, Bian­ca. Ear­ly Tibetan Toponyms. An Attempt to Iden­ti­fy Byi lig of P.T. 116 and P.T. 996, Xiyu lishi yuyan yan­jiu jikan 西域历史语言研究集刊/ His­tor­i­cal and Philo­log­i­cal Stud­ies of China’s West­ern Region 5: 113133, 2012.

Hor­le­mann, Bian­ca. Bud­dhist Sites in A mdo and for­mer Longy­ou from the 8th to the 13th Cen­tu­ry,” in PIATS Oxford 2003, Old Tibetan Stud­ies Ded­i­cat­ed to the Mem­o­ry of Ronald E. Emm­er­ick, ed. by Cristi­na Scher­rer-Schaub. Lei­den: Brill, 119157, 2012

Fis­ch­er, Andrew M. 2012. The Geopol­i­tics of Politi­co-Reli­gious Protest in East­ern Tibet.’ Cul­tur­al Anthro­pol­o­gy Hot Spot Forum 4.

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