Third International Workshop of the Amdo Research Network
The 3rd International Workshop of the Amdo Research Network was a hybrid event hosted by St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford.
The idea that Amdo is at the crossroads is something of a truism within the field. This conference seeks to move beyond the idea merely of Amdo as a meeting place to explore Amdo in movement: the networks, encounters, connections, disconnections, fluidities and blurred boundaries that make a place. In doing so, this conference seeks to go beyond the binaries and points of connection that seem obvious today, and to use the circulation of objects and people to ask different questions. For instance, how does Amdo look when viewed from neither Lhasa nor Beijing, but from Ulan Bataar? Or from Kham? Where do books printed in Xining end up? How have changing transportation networks transformed spatial and temporal geographies? Amdo is a particularly interesting borderland to study: its borders cross the provincial lines drawn by nation-states, and the theoretical emphasis on movement provides a lens through which to explore diversities of space, place, time and people.
For more information about the workshop, please get in touch at arnworkshop2020@gmail.com.