Amdo Research Network

Third International Workshop of the Amdo Research Network

Third International Workshop of the Amdo Research Network

Third International Workshop of the Amdo Research Network

790 790 peo­ple viewed this event.

The 3rd Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop of the Amdo Research Net­work was a hybrid event host­ed by St Hilda’s Col­lege, Uni­ver­si­ty of Oxford.

The idea that Amdo is at the cross­roads is some­thing of a tru­ism with­in the field. This con­fer­ence seeks to move beyond the idea mere­ly of Amdo as a meet­ing place to explore Amdo in move­ment: the net­works, encoun­ters,  con­nec­tions,  dis­con­nec­tions,  flu­idi­ties  and blurred  bound­aries  that make a place. In doing so, this con­fer­ence seeks to go beyond the bina­ries and points of con­nec­tion that seem obvi­ous today, and to use the cir­cu­la­tion of objects and peo­ple to ask dif­fer­ent ques­tions. For instance, how does Amdo look when viewed from nei­ther Lhasa nor Bei­jing, but from Ulan Bataar? Or from Kham?  Where do  books  print­ed  in Xin­ing  end  up?  How have chang­ing  trans­porta­tion  net­works trans­formed spa­tial and tem­po­ral geo­gra­phies? Amdo is a par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing bor­der­land to study: its bor­ders  cross  the  provin­cial  lines  drawn  by  nation-states,  and  the  the­o­ret­i­cal  empha­sis  on move­ment pro­vides a lens through which to explore diver­si­ties of space, place, time and people.

For more infor­ma­tion about the work­shop, please get in touch at

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Date And Time

04.10.2022 @ 17:00 to 
04.10.2022 @ 18:00


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