During the workshop and within the publication it should be allowed for a multi-perspective and multidisciplinary approach and participation in order to emphasise the multiethnic and multicultural nature of the Amdo region.
Workshop guidelines
Workshops are held every approximately two years.
They are organised by a workshop organising committee, with members appointed or confirmed by the board.
The organisers are free to choose a certain Workshop topic and choose the participants accordingly.
They should not exceed a duration of three days.
They should allow not only the participation of established scholars, but also of junior researchers and young scholars, such as MA and PhD students who are close to finalising their degree, and have completed most of their fieldwork (or other types of research).
Workshops should actively pursue the participation of more senior scholars, especially as discussants, in order to positively impact the academic standards and abilities of other (particularly more junior) ARN researchers.
The research presented must be based in or related to the ARN’s focus region. However, the ARN has also invited presentations by senior scholars that may be largely based on other regions, with the aim that others may learn from their knowledge and methods.
Workshop participants are expected to present new and relevant research findings, resulting from their own fieldwork or other types of research (documents etc.).
Presentations should never be based on merely summarising the work of others.
In order to keep the workshop accessible also for the junior scholars, the aim of the workshop organising committee should be to find an external funding in order not to rise any conference fee.