Amdo Research Network

Mapping Amdo:
Dynamics of Change


The first vol­ume, sub­ti­tled Dynam­ics of Change,” fol­lows the first ARN work­shop held at the Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty of Berlin in Decem­ber 2014. Based on recent ethno­graph­ic field­work and oth­er new data sources, the con­trib­u­tors of this unique vol­ume touch on a wide range of both con­tem­po­rary and his­tor­i­cal top­ics, rang­ing from socio-eco­nom­ic trans­for­ma­tions and dynam­ics of eth­nic­i­ty and relat­ed­ness to reli­gious and eco­log­i­cal dimensions. 


Jarmi­la Ptáčková and Adri­an Zenz 


Prague: Ori­en­tal Institute




350 CZK / 14 EUR

Table of Contents

  • Intro­duc­tion

    Emil­ia R. Sułek and Jarmi­la Ptáčková
    Map­ping Amdo: Peo­ple and Places in an Ongo­ing Transition

  • Chap­ter 1

    Andreas Gruschke
    Eco­log­i­cal Change on the Tibetan Plateau and the Human Inter­face: Pas­toral­ists as Agents and Vic­tims of Envi­ron­men­tal Impact

  • Chap­ter 2

    Adri­an Zenz
    Map­ping Ter­tiary Grad­u­ate Stu­dent Trends and Adver­tised Pub­lic Sec­tor Recruit­ment in the Amdo and Kham Tibetan Regions

  • Chap­ter 3

    Char­lene Makley
    The Abstract State: Dilem­mas of Sov­er­eign­ty and Scale Among Tibetans in China

  • Chap­ter 4

    Rahel Tser­ing
    The War­rior in the Moun­tain and His Peo­ple: Labtse Moun­tain Cult and its Social Sig­nif­i­cance in an Amdo Tibetan Village

  • Chap­ter 6

    Awang Jikmed
    Under­stand­ing Tibetan Atti­tudes toward Sacred Nat­ur­al Sites in The Gato Jowo (Sga stod jo bo) Sacred Moun­tains, in the San­jiangyuan Nation­al Nature Reserve

  • Chap­ter 7

    Reinier Lan­ge­laar
    Descent and Hous­es in Reb­gong (Reb gong): Group For­ma­tion and Rules of Recruit­ment among East­ern Tibetan Tsho ba

  • Chap­ter 8

    Ute Wal­len­böck
    Gtsang A rig (藏阿柔) – A Tibetan tribe clas­si­fied as Mongol

  • Chap­ter 9

    Daniel Beroun­ský
    The Nyen Col­lec­tion (Gnyan bum) and Shenrab Miwo of Nam

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